by Dr. Ken Canfield
Dads, you’re ready to honor your mother and your children’s mother this Sunday … aren’t you? I hope Mother’s Day is something you throw yourself into, because moms deserve it—and it’s good for us and for our kids.
By now you have probably made arrangements for brunch or dinner, and bought gifts and/or flowers. Maybe your kids have created homemade cards and crafts for their mom. That’s all great!
Just in case you need a reminder, we’re providing just three reasons to honor moms, recognizing that this list should contain hundreds or even thousands more items.
First, moms are dedicated and devoted.

They work very hard on behalf of their children. Any attempt to list the things a mom does will fall far short of the reality, because as they say, a mom’s work is never done. What did your mother do? And what does your children’s mom do? Maybe cooking meals, washing clothes, juggling schedules, taxi-ing kids all over town, healing physical and emotional wounds, and adding a kiss where it hurts. Help your kids come up with a list of what they appreciate.
Moms are also often the ones who hold the household together.
Honestly, sometimes dads can be unpredictable, and at our worst, unreliable. Many times moms are stabilizing forces in the family, making sure the family stays connected. A growing number of people in our culture can tell stories about how their moms played a steadying or even rescuing presence in their lives and their families.
Third, moms are often spiritual anchors.
Dads will often provide spiritual leadership for their families, but how many stories have we heard of a mother’s faithful prayers following her sons and daughters throughout their lives—with profound impact? A mother’s love is a gift from God.
Dads, this brief tribute falls short of what mothers and wives deserve. That’s why we’re depending on you to fill in the rest. You know the specific ways your mom has been there for you. You’ve seen your wife’s expertise with the kids over and over. I hope you point out those things all year round—but if you’re like me, you probably take them for granted.
That makes Mother’s Day a great opportunity.
And let’s add a brief reminder: there are many single mothers out there—some right in your neighborhood—who are just as dedicated despite huge emotional and financial challenges. Start looking for ways you might encourage a single mom. If you’re a handyman, spend a few hours fixing things around her house. Maybe you’re good with cars. Or maybe you’ve got a lawn mower and a teenage son who needs something to do besides playing video games. Mother’s Day is a great time to start sharing what we have with single mothers and fatherless kids.
As you see, there are many great ways—and great reasons—to honor moms. Be all about that especially this weekend, dad.
What do you and your kids appreciate about the mothers in your life? Share your stories or add a tribute to our Facebook page—and be sure to get your kids’ help.