There are a lot of reasons for you to be a loving father to your daughter. She’ll have a more positive view of men in general. More self-esteem as a woman. She’s more likely to stay sexually pure until marriage and have a healthier view of sexuality.

But, today, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on something we do for our daughters … which in all honesty we may be doing more for ourselves.
In a recent research study, a doctoral student looked at the bereavement patterns of twenty adolescent girls whose fathers had recently died. One question the researcher asked was what they would miss the most about losing their fathers. Two answers showed up repeatedly among the twenty girls.
For one, they said they missed their fathers when problems or questions came up. They would often wonder, “If Daddy were here now, what would he say? What would he do?” That’s not surprising. One of the unique qualities of fathers is their task orientation. Dads solve problems. They restore order to their child’s world. When there’s a job to do, these girls think of dad.
The second way they miss their fathers—I guess was not surprising—but was supercharged with emotion. Most of those twenty girls deeply regretted that they’re father wouldn’t be there to walk them down the aisle some day when they get married.
Have you thought about that moment? That unique and priceless moment reserved for father and daughter. The white dress. The long aisle. The whispers. Shaking the hand of the “unworthy” groom.
My heart goes out to those twenty young ladies and any girl who has lost her father. A brother or an uncle may step in and do the job proudly and admirably. But somehow, it just won’t be the same.