Raising a Future Adult: 3 Ideas for Dads
Dad, are you preparing your kids for adulthood? Invest in their future by setting goals, creating meaningful connections, and teaching life skills.
Dad Hacks: Use These, Share Yours
Dads can use tips and tricks to make our demanding role a little easier. Some are practical and everyday, and others more serious and life-changing.
Know When to Pick Your Battles, Dad
Jay Payleitner: Some battles with your kids aren’t really worth the trouble. But if you choose a battle, dad, be ready for it. Here’s how.
A Summer Fun Checklist for Dads
No summer is quite complete without some activities, and we have a checklist to help you follow through and make memories with your kids.
Staying Calm at Bedtime: A Dad Needs Tips
Bedtime is a common challenge for dads. How can we keep it peaceful and positive, and avoid making it crazy and confrontational?
What Makes Your Child Laugh?
Many dads just naturally bring out the funny, playful side in their kids. Keep celebrating those relationships with lots of laughter.
Dad Tucks In
by Jay Payleitner: The benefits are many. Mom gets a break. Dad gets a clear assignment and a daily chance to spend one-on-one time.
Young Kids & Behavior Issues: Mean What You Say
These years don’t have to be terrible. You can help minimize difficulties with a commitment to consistency in what you say and what you do.
Your Fathering Journey in 6 Stages
Fatherhood is a marathon, and there is great value in stepping back and looking at being a dad from a bigger-picture perspective.
“I Want to Know About Fatherhood”
Children don’t just change your life; they totally transform it. They give you a new perspective on everything.