Video: 3 Challenges for Dads for 2020

Did you make fathering resolutions earlier this month? Whether you did or not, this week’s guest blog can serve as a reminder and a challenge.

Consider these three suggestions from our long-time friend, Rick Wertz:

Make a commitment now to be the dad your children need …

THIS YEAR, 2020, I resolve to:

  1. Prioritize my physical presence in the home and with family.
  2. Be engaged emotionally with my wife and kids.
  3. Lead spiritually by example.

Get more of Rick’s thoughts on each of these points right here.

How will you improve in one of these 3 areas going forward? Please leave a comment at our Facebook page.

See more of Rick’s contributions to

Rick is founder & president of Faithful Fathering, a popular speaker for church groups and various organizations, and a certified trainer for NCF. He and Linda, his bride of 40 years, live in Sugar Land, TX.

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There may be no more important work than turning the hearts of fathers to their children, and that’s what this is all about. We’re seeking to repair, rebuild and restore effective fathering for the benefit of children and families everywhere.