Thanksgiving Interview: 10 Questions

by R.J. Jaramillo

Here’s a great Thanksgiving project for all dads (and moms) to do with their kids. Other relatives may want to participate, too.

I encourage you to play the “interviewer” … like a news reporter. But this time, the celebrity you are about to interview is your child!

  1. Who is your current Hero… and Why?
  2. Do you remember your first birthday or Christmas? What was it like for you?
  3. Speaking of holidays, what is your favorite part about Thanksgiving?
  4. What is your favorite and least favorite food at Thanksgiving?
  5. Who is your favorite relative to see during the holidays?
  6. What will you be most thankful for this Thanksgiving?
  7. If you had 1 dollar to give anyone in the world, who would you give it to and why?
  8. What is one thing that you do with daddy/mommy now that makes you happy?
  9. What would you grow up to be if you had to choose today?
  10. If you could ask your daddy/mommy to do one thing different, what would it be?

Here’s my interview with my Dad:

Share your answers with other dads on the SingleDad blog.

Richard “RJ” Jaramillo is a father of three fantastic kids and the founder of With over nine years of experience helping single dads like himself get back on their feet, RJ is excited to share what he had learned so that the transition to “Make Life Happen…Again” is easier for other single dads out there.

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