Everyday Heroes: Dads Have Superpowers!

by Donald Calkins

That’s right, dad. Your children believe the world revolves around you; they see you as holding the universe in your hands. While that may be exaggerated, the truth is that most dads have extraordinary influence over their children.

I remember going camping with my nine-year-old son and his two friends. We set up several soda cans on a log to shoot at with his new BB gun. After placing the cans, we stepped back about thirty to forty feet. With the gun in my hand, I turned and shot at the targets from the hip … and actually hit the target! My son and his friends stared at me wide-eyed as we stood there, stunned by my incredible marksmanship.

But my thought was, Are you kidding me—I hit the cans? Of course, outwardly I brushed it off, shrugged my shoulders, and feigned confidence: “Boys, that’s what you can do with practice.” At that moment, those soda cans didn’t stand a chance. The cosmos had converged—the earth’s gravitational pull, the planetary alignment, they all came together to impress those little guys.

Father's Influence on Children; Paternal Role Models; Building Strong Father-Child Relationships

“Whoa, dude, your dad is amazing!”

It was clearly an incredible stroke of luck, but it felt like the universe had somehow used that moment to elevate my status with my son and his friends. And I’m confident that similar things have happened for you. Dads, when we make time for interactions with our children, our influence magnifies.

Here’s the kicker: just about every day there are opportunities waiting to present themselves during your interactions with your kids—inspired thoughts, wise words, impressive actions, and good conversations. And this might be your greatest superpower as a father: you are uniquely qualified to instill your beliefs and values in your children. They take your words to heart and trust you to have their best interests in mind. This influence can significantly shape their future endeavors and chosen paths.

With this power comes great responsibility.

Being a father is a privilege and an honor, and we should take our role seriously. Our children look up to us, and we have the power to shape their world. We can be their heroes, role models and sources of wisdom for many of the life issues they face.

Please don’t underestimate your ability to affect them or defer your influence to others. Spending time with them, in the big and small moments, can leave a lasting impression and impart valuable life lessons. 

It is a humbling and rewarding experience to know that, as a father, you have superpowers to shape their worldview and be a superhero in their eyes.

Don Calkins

Don Calkins is the author of With Love, Dad, a daily devotional that guides fathers through Proverbs with valuable conversation starters for their children. With 47 years of marriage to his wife and a background as a former pastor, he offers unique insights. Together, they have raised three sons and enjoy ten grandchildren in the beautiful Northwest. Don passionately believes a father’s key role is to instill godly values in the next generation, shaping their character and faith for a brighter future.

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