Get Involved

Join Us the National Center for Fathering (NCF)

You’ve heard about the crisis of fatherlessness and the negative consequences for children and for our society. Even if you’re an involved dad, you need to realize that until we are successful, your children and grandchildren will be growing up in a culture of absent fathers and unfathered children. They will be affected!

You can be a part of the solution!

  • Download our free ebook, Fathering During a Pandemic: Challenges & Surprises, and let other dads know about it.
  • Use social media to follow what we’re doing and share our blogs and fathering tips with your circle of acquaintances, and help us expand our reach. Our pages are here: FacebookTwitterYouTube
  • Support other dads by getting together (even on Zoom) to talk about being a dad and encourage each other.
  • Stay connected to the Center through our weekly email and website.
Dad Daughter walking

You can also get involved by supporting the National Center for Fathering in our efforts to inspire and equip dads:

ENGAGEMENT, LEARNING, GIFTING, & MORE – For father daughter summit

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Employee Engagement

We aim to engage organizations and their teams in turning hearts through volunteering, team building, and special events.

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Virtual and in-person events offer tools for healing and hope in the workplace and in every household.

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Corporate Gifts​

Give the gift of healing and hope with books authored by Dr. Ken Canfield.

$1,000 - $2,499
$2,500 - $4,999
$5,000 - $9,999
$10,000 - $14,999
Recognition on Corporate Partner Webpage{LOGO}{LOGO}{LOGO}
Recognition in Father-Daughter Summit Annual Report{LOGO}
Virtual Lunch & Learn Event with Drs. Ken and Michelle Canfield

Volume Discounts on Gift Orders
Invitation to Annual Leaders Luncheon
Corporate Partner Spotlight in Newsletter and on Social Media

Signature HOPE event for employees

Thank you for getting involved and for your commitment to your children.