Links for Legal and Custody Issues

We recognize there is a great need among fathers who face challenges related to visitation and custody, but we are not equipped to help with these kinds of issues. This page has many links and resources where you’re more likely to find the help that you need, but we urge you to proceed with caution. It is our sincere desire that they can help you, but we are not familiar with all of them, and this listing should not be seen as an endorsement of everything you find at their websites or in their resources.

Children’s Rights Council
National Fathers’ Resource Center
Avvo Advisor – Talk to a Local Lawyer Today for $39
Avvo – Child Custody Info / Learn about Fathers Rights
Dads Divorce
Daddy Got Custody
Dads Rights
American Coalition for Fathers and Children
SPARC – Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center
Win Child Custody
Child Custody Coach
Glenn Sacks
Pre-Paid Legal Services
Goldberg & Associates – Parental Alienation Syndrome
Sean Smallwood – blog on child custody issues

ILLINOIS: Illinois Council on Responsible Fatherhood
NEBRASKA: Fathers’ Rights of Nebraska
TENNESSEE: Child’s Best Interest
TEXAS: LoneStar Fatherhood Initiative
VIRGINIA: Virginia EQUAL Parents, Inc

The following books (most of these link to the books at Amazon, where there are often very inexpensive used copies):
o The Custody Revolution by Richard Warshak
o Evidence Strategies for Child Custody – ebook
o Taken Into Custody by Stephen Baskerville
o Custody for Fathers by Michael & Carleen Brennan
o Betrayal of the Child by Stewart Rein
o Winner Take All: A Woman Exposes the Violation of Men’s Rights at the Hands of Family Law by Molly Murphy
o Fighting For Your Children by John Steinbreder
o Child Custody Made Simple by Webster Watnik
o The Father’s Emergency Guide to Divorce-Custody Battle by Robert Seidenberg
o A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parental Alienation by Michael Jeffries with Dr. Joel Davies

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There may be no more important work than turning the hearts of fathers to their children, and that’s what this is all about. We’re seeking to repair, rebuild and restore effective fathering for the benefit of children and families everywhere.