Some of the Places Where NCF Has Been Featured
Our Programs Are Inspiring & Equipping Dads In:
State Initiatives



Faith Communities


When Fathers Are Engaged and Focused, Children Thrive
three-plus decades of research, cutting-edge tools and practical insights that
have provided training for dads and leaders, impacting millions of children
and their households. The data is compelling: inattentive, disconnected fathering leads to poorer outcomes for children. In contrast, fathers who are committed to their kids, and engaged in their lives, and who are growing as dads in healthy ways, provide a foundation of strength and destiny for their children, and leave a positive legacy which impacts generations.
Become a Dad Leader: Encourage Other Dads
- Receive training on the 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers and the Personal Fathering Profile
- Be trained in three Fathering Curricula: Quenching the Fathering Thirst, The ICAN’s of Fathering, and Dads of Destiny
- Have an opportunity to submit guest blogs to NCF’s website and be recognized as a NCF trainer
- Receive codes to access the 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers Profile & Webinar to utilize with groups or individual dads
- Receive early draft of all new research reports
Connect Dads and Daughters in Heart to Heart Relationship“
The Father-Daughter Summit
A Place For Fathers and Daughters to Bond
As your daughter moves through her teen and young adult years, your commitment to her does not waiver. To shore up your relationship for the days ahead, Father-Daughter Summit has developed a one-day interactive event interspersed with experiential learning and guided one-on-one father-daughter dialogues that will be one of the best days you’ve spent together. Each session is planned to guide you and your daughter as you explore and strengthen your unique relationship.
What People Say
Meet the Founder, Dr. Ken Canfield
He is a trusted voice and counsel to many non-profits, community organizations, state and regional efforts which are strengthening families. He has written both popular and scientific articles on fathering and is a frequent guest on programs which promote responsible fathering. In addition, Canfield has been heard on a daily weekday radio commentary, Today’s Father, which he began in 1993 and aired on over 600 stations. He has been interviewed on The Oprah Winfrey Show, NBC’s Today Show, ABC’s World News Tonight, Focus, and numerous other radio and television programs, especially during Father’s Day.
Recent Blogs

Consistent Fathering: A Steady Hand in a Stormy World
by Dr. Ken Canfield Don’t worry. This isn’t about politics. It’s about being a father. The election is over and we’re all left to deal with it, whether we’re happy, a little angry, or mostly indifferent about the results. Maybe our lives will be significantly...

Dad: Water Your Daughter’s Heart with Positive Words
by Michelle Watson Canfield, PhD, LPC Dad, how powerful are your words in your daughter’s life? As you might suspect, I believe they are extremely important. Like a plant needs water, your girl needs your encouragement and affirmation. Allow me to illustrate further...

5 Ways Dads Can Protect Their Kids from Digital Dangers
by David Tucker - Founder, We are bombarded with new studies almost daily illustrating how technology can have life-altering adverse effects on our children. From distraction and depression to predators and pornography, technology has evolved into...

Instilling Generosity in Our Kids: Strategies for Dads
by Dr. Ken Canfield Here in the middle of October, it’s evident in many American stores that we’ve already entered the holiday season. Halloween decorations are up for some, and Christmas products have been on display for several weeks now. This is an early heads-up...

Raising a Future Adult: 3 Ideas for Dads
Dad, if your kids are still pretty young, we have some news for you: They grow up. Some dads of teenagers and adult children would tell you that this is bad news, because a young-adult child is causing them a lot of worry and stress. Other dads would say kids growing...

Keep Using Your Unique, Mysterious Secrets with Your Kids
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Last week’s blog provided you with “dad hacks” that some fathers use to make their lives easier and connect with their kids. I trust at least some of them were helpful to you or at least caused you to do some deeper thinking or brainstorming. It...

Dad Hacks: Use These, Share Yours
Many of our best insights here at NCF are research-based. We often talk about the I-CANs or the 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers, and much of what you’ll see at is based on those frameworks and the fathering practices associated with them. We also regularly...

Three Responsibilities of a Father
by Jeff Hamilton, founder of Dad Academy® The responsibilities of being a father are more than just what you are able to provide financially or support emotionally. Research proves the importance of a father’s presence in a child’s life. Beyond being present, a...

Fit Fatherhood: Inspiring a Healthy Lifestyle for Our Kids
Disclaimer: At, we are not fitness experts. It isn't our main focus or calling. However, maybe a lot of us would benefit from occasional reminders about taking our physical well-being seriously as dads. Of course, good health may not be the most important...
The National Center for Fathering Has Worked Cooperatively with Communities, Cities, States and Countries Around the Globe to Strengthen Responsible Fathering
Our Trainers
Ken R. Canfield, Ph.D.
Dr. Canfield is a nationally known leader and scholar and founded the National Center for Fathering – – in 1990. He is the author of twelve books on fathering and family life and has keynoted and presented at dozens of state and community conferences and led hundreds of seminars. Read more…

Dr. George Williams
Dr. Williams is a nationally recognized fathering and family expert. He has testified as an expert fathering witness before a Senate sub-committee, visited the White House to coordinate the First Lady’s visit to his R.E.A.D. to Kids program at a Kansas City elementary school and attended her Helping America’s Youth conference and White House reception. Read more…
Michelle Watson Canfield, Ph.D, LPC
Michelle is founder of The Abba Project, a 9-month group forum that is designed to equip dads to more intentionally and consistently relate to their teen and young-adult daughters. She is author of the book, Dad, Here’s What I Really Need from You: A Guide for Connecting with Your Daughter’s Heart. More coming. . Read more…
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