Empowering Dads Nationwide Join a community dedicated to supporting fathers with resources and insights
for positive parenting and engagement.

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Our Programs Are Inspiring & Equipping Dads In:

The National Center for Fathers has been at the forefront of promoting father involvement for over 30 years, fostering healthy family dynamics across the nation.  Our resources empower educators and community leaders to cultivate positive parenting practices that inspire and uplift families everywhere.  

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State Initiatives

State Initiatives

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School House


Faith community

Faith Communities



Why Choose Us

Fathers.com provides trusted insights and tools designed to empower fathers and strengthen family connections.  

Expert Resources Access decades of research-backed materials that support fathers in their parenting journey and enhances their involvement with children.

Community Support Join a national network of fathers and community leaders committed to fostering positive parenting practices and impactful relationships.


Our Impact at a Glance

Over 5000,000 fathers have used our resources to enhance their parenting skills and strengthen family bonds.

Partnered with 1,000+ organizations to promote father involvement and positive parenting practices across communities nationwide. 


Valentine’s Day Tips for Dads; Daddy-Daughter Valentine Ideas; Father-Son Bonding on Valentine’s Day

Some of the Places Where NCF Has Been Feature

Ken Canfield

Meet the Founder
Dr. Ken Canfield

Dr. Ken Canfield is a nationally known leader and scholar who has committed his life to strengthening men, fathers, families and grandparents. He founded the National Center for Fathering (www.fathers.com) and the National Association for Grandparenting, (www.grandkidsmatter.org).


He is a trusted voice and counsel to many non-profits, community organizations, state and regional efforts which are strengthening families. He has written both popular and scientific articles on fathering and is a frequent guest on programs which promote responsible fathering. In addition, Canfield has been heard on a daily weekday radio commentary, Today’s Father, which he began in 1993 and aired on over 600 stations. He has been interviewed on The Oprah Winfrey Show, NBC’s Today Show, ABC’s World News Tonight, Focus, and numerous other radio and television programs, especially during Father’s Day.

What People Say
I was at the seminar in Omaha. The message I received hit me square between the eyes. The clear, no-nonsense message hit to heart of what fathers should be. Thank you.
I’m eager to read all of the stuff that I downloaded from your website. My hand is sore from clicking back and forth, but it’s worth it, I’m sure.
I looked at your website and I was very impressed. I just wanted to let you know that I think that is very good that men can come and get advice on parenting. My father is a very good father. I love him with all my heart and I want to thank you’ll for giving fathers a chance to be better fathers.
Thank you for your thought provoking messages and guidance. I look forward to every Friday, can’t wait for the next one.
I am part of the men’s ministry of a church and our committee would like to use your emails. They are truly magnificent. Simple, yet with great ideas and reminders.
I really look up the National Center for Fathering’s advice. Over the last 2 years my wife has been shocked at how well I learned to communicate with our kids. I learn from Casey’s blog entries, anecdotes, and experience. I can’t imagine where I would be without it. Keep sharing the stories and creative ideas. Never forget the impact your words have on fathers like myself.
Your e-mails are really an amazing motivation. Keep up the good work!
Your regular e-mail messages often have me take better steps on where I spend my time…. I want to thank you and the Center for being one of my “reminders” that I should be watching and staying the course. Without your work I’m not sure I would correct as much. I don’t think I will ever get to perfect but thanks for helping me to try to be better.
You have no idea how your correspondence helped me in my journey, may God bless you.
I just had to let you know how much I appreciate your blog. I am a social worker at our local health department and work with pregnant and parenting families…. Your blog gives dads AND moms so many neat ideas – it gives them direction and HOPE. Now, I’ve even got the nurses handing them out to the families they visit with. Thank you for all the work you do. You make a difference!
Keep up the good work. My son and I have a whole new relationship after attending a seminar last year. Thanks for your help.
I am writing to you to tell you I am doing all I can to be a better father. Some of it has to do with you all at fathers.com. I love your website. I can't think of everything all of the time; but this website sure does. Keep up the great work!! I just wanted to drop a quick note to say that I really enjoyed your website... I am a senior at CW University in WA and am currently doing a research project on father's rights groups, parenting groups, and legislative groups. I have visited 107 web sites so far regarding this project and I must say that yours is one of the best I've seen. It provides useful information, is current and interesting, objective, very user friendly and overall a well put together site.
Terry C
My husband and I are having our first child this summer, and have been reading tons of materials on motherhood and pregnancy. There doesn’t seem to be much for dads. In fact we went to the library yesterday and found ONE old book for fathers. My husband did not grow up with a father and is dying to give a child the attention he didn’t receive. I am going to tell him about this website today. Just a “thank you” from a mom. You have a wonderful site, and as a young father (30ish) of a teen daughter and a 6 yr old boy I need all the information I can get in these trying times. I just wanted to express my thanks for the resources your site provides.
Eric N
I came across your radio spot and decided to look you up on the Internet.... I was very happy to see that there was something out there for dads who really care and want to improve their fathering skills. Thank you so much for being there for us!
Joe W
I was just checking out your site for some resources for a friend and I see you have a lot of good stuff. Great stuff! Fantastic stuff! I wish I had time to read it all. I just felt my heart leap and I actually get excited when I see how much there is for dads.
I just checked out your website for the first time yesterday. It’s consistent with your other materials: good, practical advice and resources that I can use as a dad. I was impressed enough to recommend it to the men in my accountability group. Thanks and keep up the great work!
Jeff K
I found this to be the greatest webpage I’ve encountered in all my surfing. As a father of a 6-year-old daughter and 5-month-old son I am constantly looking for information that stresses the importance of fatherhood. My father is my hero and I hope someday that my children will think the same of me. Thank you for this website and I will be putting it on my list of favorites with a donation coming in the near future.
Timothy F
I would like to thank the creators of the NCF and the NCF website. What an inspirational page! It is encouraging to find so many good articles and helpful ideas about my number one passion: being a good father. It is nice to know that there is a place to turn to when all of the answers aren’t so clear.
Marlin B

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