Maybe your kids just started school a few days ago, or maybe where you are they start in the coming weeks. It’s a big deal for them, and it impacts the entire family.
For kids, a new school year means new teachers, new classrooms, and new responsibilities. Sometimes it means new friends. The first day at a new school can be very intimidating. As a dad, your surely know all of this, but …

Now is a great time to embrace your role.
If your kids’ summer was pretty unstructured like in many homes—or if it was quite hectic with camps and sports and other activities—they will benefit from being gently reminded that the routine is about to change pretty drastically. And this isn’t just a reality check for them; it’s also a recommitment for you. It’s an opportunity to make a big investment of encouragement in your kids.
It’s a great idea to sit down and talk about it—maybe at bedtime or during a meal. Talk about past years, asking questions like:
“What memories do you have from kindergarten?”
“What experience at school embarrassed you the most?”
“When did you feel most proud of something you accomplished?”
Make sure you dig into your own memories and tell them a few back-to-school stories, good and not-so-good. That could help your kids open up. Then ask about what friends they’ll be reconnecting with soon or what teacher they’re looking forward to having.
Through it all, listen closely.
Take mental notes. You may uncover a deep worry your child has, and you can keep that on your radar screen.
If that’s the first discussion about the new school year, it might not be the best time to start setting expectations about grades and homework routines. Try to save goal setting and daily schedules for the next conversation and keep it positive for now. Maybe even verbalize your own commitment to partner with them and help them stay on target.
If they start to groan about all the work that’s ahead, maybe change the mood by saying something like: “You know, kiddo, if you failed every class and got kicked out of school for setting a hundred frogs loose in the cafeteria, I would still love you.”
After the laughter or groans die down, remind them of their gifts and talents, and their past success. Send them off to school with a new hope and heartfelt blessing. Most of all, dad, remember your own commitment and keep it going the entire year.
And don’t forget: it’s also an adjustment for your kids’ mom, and maybe a welcome one. With the kids at school on weekdays, maybe start scheduling a regular lunch date for the two of you.
How do you help prepare your kids for the new school year? Share what works for you with other dads on our Facebook page.