Have you and your kids been busy making plans and arrangements to make Sunday a special day? Mother’s Day is an opportunity to honor one of the most important contributors within the family: our mothers and our children’s mothers.
You’ve probably heard calculations for the annual salary that a mom should earn—for a job that offers no raises, very few vacation or sick days, and limited adult interaction. It requires the skills of a teacher, housekeeper, cook, van driver, CEO, computer operator, nurse, maintenance worker, and more. According to salary.com, the total figure comes to $113,568. (And they have a tool there that will give you a more customized calculation for that amount.)
But really, whether she is at-home full time or she works, how can you put a value on what a mom does?
It isn’t possible, and we should hold that high value in mind this weekend as we recognize what our mothers and our children’s mothers have contributed to our children and families.
Did you see the comments made by the NBA’s Kevin Durant about his mom this week when he was awarded the MVP award? Check it out:
You may not have a chance to stand up in front of millions of people and give credit to your mom for all she did for you, but shouldn’t Mother’s Day be a time to recognize her for the ways she sacrificed for you? While it isn’t ideal that Kevin’s dad wasn’t there for the family, his mom was clearly an MVP for those boys. Also, it’s good for your kids to get into the habit of showing appreciation, especially to their mom, and they will probably need your help to make sure it happens.
So, dads, let’s make sure we recognize the full value that Mom brings when we go shopping for a thoughtful gift and/or take them out for dinner. What can we do specifically to honor and celebrate the mothers in our lives? Here are three ideas:
1) Use the gift of words. Call, e-mail, send cards and letters. Be specific and intentionally let her know the details of how she has impacted your life.
2) Talk up motherhood to your children. Resource them; make suggestions; remind them to go out of their way to bless their mom.
3) Recognize the power of the parenting team. Do all within your grasp to strengthen your marriage.
Action Points for Dads on the Journey
- Like Kevin Durant, tell your mother a memory to reinforce how much you appreciate her. Do a little preparation ahead of time for what you will say.
- Let your children know two or three positive characteristics you inherited from your mom.
- As an additional Mother’s Day gift for your children’s mother, re-commit yourself to be a committed father. Your engaged involvement will make her job much better and easier.
- Invest your time (and maybe some money) to help your children honor their mom in a special way.
- Reach out to a single mother and her children through an act of service. Think about ways you can have a positive influence in those children’s lives.
What would you add? What fun and creative ways have you and your kids honored moms? Please join the conversation either below or on our Facebook page.