Frequently Asked Questions.

How is the National Center for Fathering (NCF) funded?

NCF specifically receives its funding from three primary sources: resource sales & training fees, private and government grants, and contributions from individuals. Learn more.

Does NCF help with custody, visitation and other legal challenges for dads?

No, unfortunately we are not equipped to help with these kinds of issues, although we do understand that there’s a great need today among fathers who face these kinds of challenges. For some dads, legal issues make up the main area of concern for their fathering since they don’t have full access to their kids.

NCF has limited resources, and we’re trying to help in ways where we feel we can make the most difference—ways in which we’re equipped and, we hope, effective at helping. Right now that does not include giving legal advice or becoming experts in those issues. We are however happy to direct you to some other groups who are more experienced and capable of helping you.

What volunteer opportunities do you have?

The National Center for Fathering is always looking for individuals who share our vision of a culture of Championship Fathering in America to come along side and support us as a volunteer. Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Leading a small group of men in a study on fathering
  • Becoming a father trainer using NCF’s curricula
  • Forming a community group to host one of our live events in your area.

There are other ideas here, and there may be other opportunities, depending on your location and the current projects we’re working on. Feel free to contact us if you have specific questions or are interested in learning more.

Does NCF accept submissions for articles or guest blogs?

In general, yes—although right now we do not have systems in place to handle outside submissions efficiently. We hope to regularly feature other writers and bloggers in the future.

When we do use outside authors, we ask them to stay focused on practical aspects of fatherhood and topics that are closely related to men in family life. With very few exceptions, we do not pursue content that focuses on products, services, and/or issues that would be beneficial to fathers and families, but aren’t really about inspiring or equipping men to be better dads. There are a lot of worthwhile causes and important issues out there that we could actively support, but we limit the range of things we get involved with simply in an effort to stay focused on our purpose and mission.

What about a National Center for Mothering?

We’re called to encourage and equip fathers, and we strongly suggest that dads work in teamwork with their kids’ mother and show great respect for what she brings to the parenting team. We don’t know of a “National Center for Mothering,” though there are good resources out there for mothers. We’ve found that most organizations that work with “parents” most often gear their materials to women. A few websites you might try are:

We do not represent or formally endorse these sites, but we hope they are a helpful place to start!

Can I reprint articles, blogs and emails from

In general, yes. We can give you permission to reprint articles from our site that were written by a current or former member of the NCF staff. When you do, we require that you include the NCF logo and use the following tag:

“Used with permission from the National Center for Fathering. For more practical tips and inspiration, visit” [NCF logo]

For content written by an outside author, please contact us at and we can try to help you get in touch with the author.

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