Our good friend Rick Wertz enlisted help from his adult daughter, Amanda, to describe ways dads can stay connected to their daughters. It’s a short video, but you’ll be challenged with some simple but powerful action steps. (And she provides some good ideas for daughters, too.)
Dads, commit the time to bond with your daughter (and your son.) Schedule a one-on-one date in the near future. And send her this video and ask for her feedback on how you can stay closely connected to her and her world.
What simple habit can you start or re-start that will make a difference with your child? Please leave a comment at our Facebook page.
See more of Rick’s contributions to fathers.com.
Rick is founder & president of Faithful Fathering, a popular speaker for church groups and various organizations, and a certified trainer for NCF. He and Linda, his bride of 40 years, live in Sugar Land, TX.