Gifts of Stock

How to Give a Gift of Stock to the
National Center for Fathering

  •      If your shares are held in an account…

Ask your broker to make an electronic transfer of the shares to the National Center for Fathering’s account #524056840 at SWS Securities. The DTC number is 0279, and it is needed if the stock is currently in an account with a company other than SWS Securities. Our broker is Melissa Glennie and she can be contacted at (952) 746-1110. Once the stock is transferred into the National Center for Fathering’s account, we will receive notification of the transfer and send you a receipt. The effective date of the gift for this method is the date the shares are placed into our account.

  •     If you hold the certificate for your shares…

Please sign the stock over to the National Center for Fathering, either by endorsing the back of the certificate or by using a stock power, and mail it to Melissa Glennie at Capital Management Associates, 7900 Xerxes Ave South, Suite 500, Bloomington, MN 55431. Due to the nature of the document being mailed, we recommend that you send it via certified/registered/express mail. When the certificate is received, the stock will be sold immediately and a receipt will be sent to you. The effective date of the gift for this method is the date of the postmark.

  •     To receive acknowledgement of your gift for tax purposes…

Due to Federal privacy laws, you must separately notify us here at the National Center for Fathering in order to receive a gift acknowledgement for tax purposes. Please contact us with the following information so that we may prepare a gift receipt: identity of stock, number of shares gifted and the designation, if any, of the gift toward a specific project. You may send the information via e-mail to or by mail to Director of Finance, National Center for Fathering, 1600 Sunset Ave., Ste B, Springdale, AR 72762. Upon confirmation of the transaction, we will send a gift receipt.

If you have any questions about how to gift stock to the National Center for Fathering, please contact Steve Wilson at 1-800-593-3237.