Fathering Court

Fathering Court was an innovative alternative to prosecution and incarceration for men with significant child support arrearages.

We are no longer involved in this program, but we’re still making the information available below for anyone interested.


The program increases the number of fathers that contribute financially and emotionally to their children and improves their marriage-ability by helping the men successfully overcome the challenges that have led to their non-payment of child support.

Who Benefits:

Children – Gain from having an involved and potentially married, father. Men learn to develop better relationships with their children and children’s mothers through the 13-week fathering class. They also learn to obtain and maintain meaningful employment that allows them to provide consistent financial support.
Fathers – Learn life long skills that positively impact their lives, their children’s lives, the mother of their children, and their community.
Community – Benefits from reduced financial costs as a result of rehabilitation. Specifically, skill development and employment assistance helps eliminate the expense of prosecution, incarceration, and welfare cost associated with delinquent child-support payments.

The Results:

More than 429 men have participated in Fathering Court since 1998. To date, Fathering Court graduates have contributed more than $2,766,000 in child support payments.
In addition, pre and post evaluations indicate that men who graduated from Fathering Court have significantly more contact with their children, increased interaction with their child’s mother about their child’s development, and pay their child support.

Components of a Successful Fathering Court:

  • Needs assessment & skill development
  • Case management
  • Counseling and treatment
  • Peer support and curriculum for fathers
  • Health and education services for children
  • Employment assistance
  • Connecting dads and moms to necessary resources

Here’s a video about the program: Fathering Court

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