Don’t miss this opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your not so little girl

WHAT:Father-Daughter Summit
WHERE: Contact us if you are interested in hosting a Father-Daughter Summit
Payment: Cost TBD
NOTE: For teen and adult daughters and the man she calls “Dad” (no younger than 11 years old).
- Connect with your daughter one-on-one
- Break down walls in communication
- Gain tools to understand your daughter’s world and needs
- Laugh together – Have FUN!
- Get away from distractions
- Give her your time when she needs it most
The Father-Daughter Summit has pulled together the finest resources to help men understand their daughter’s world and needs. Whether you just need time to enjoy the specialness of your relationship or have repairs that need to be made, the Father-Daughter Summit is a day designed to take your relationship to a whole new level and prepare you for the days ahead.