Connecting daughters and dads in heart
to heart relationship


A Place For Fathers and Daughters to Bond

As your daughter moves through her teen and young adult years, your commitment to her does not waiver. To shore up your relationship for the days ahead, Father-Daughter Summit has developed a one-day interactive event interspersed with experiential learning and guided one-on-one father-daughter dialogues that will be one of the best days you’ve spent together. Each session is planned to guide you and your daughter as you explore and strengthen your unique relationship.

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Turning Hearts

Our Mission​

To permeate the pressures and strain of an aching world with profound connection that comes from the turning of hearts.

Our Vision​

Serve an international community dedicated to turning hearts through training, development of practical materials that support enduring father-daughter relationships, and ongoing collaborative research.

Our Community​

Access practical resources from your home through our website, webinars, and virtual events. Join us for an in-person event. Engage with us on Facebook and Spotify. Be the first to hear about new resources and events through our newsletter.

See the Importance of Maintaining a Relationship


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Father-Daughter Summit​

The Father-Daughter Summit has pulled together the finest resources to help men understand their daughter’s world and your relationship or have repairs that need to be made.

Upcoming Event

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Train The Trainer​

Join other facilitators, practitioners, concerned father and daughters, enjoy direct access to experts and latest research, staying refreshed with our Mastermind Group and growing video library.
Train The Trainer


Valentine’s Day Tips for Dads; Daddy-Daughter Valentine Ideas; Father-Son Bonding on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day Tips for Dads of Daughters – and Sons

Your Valentine’s Day shopping and planning for your wife is surely well under way, if not complete—and that’s good! Some may view this "holiday" as just another excuse for greeting card and flower companies to make money—as well as jewelry, candy and clothing...
father-child Christmas traditions; dad and daughter traditions; holiday traditions for families

16 Ideas for Father-Child Holiday Traditions

Create memories with your child this Christmas through traditions. From simple outings to creative projects, find inspiration to make it truly special.

dad's role in daughter's emotional health; importance of positive words for daughters; how to encourage your daughter

Dad: Water Your Daughter’s Heart with Positive Words

Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield: Like a plant needs water, dad, your daughter needs your encouragement & affirmation. Nurture her heart. Help her thrive.