Fathering is a Marathon: Embrace the Journey

Fathering is a Marathon: Embrace the Journey

by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Dad, while you’re in the middle of dashing around as a busy dad, I want to provide some perspective and an important reminder: Fathering is a marathon. Being a good dad is a distance run. It’s a long, trying journey and we must be disciplined if...
Beyond Conditional Love: Rethinking Expectations

Beyond Conditional Love: Rethinking Expectations

When it comes to your kids, dad, What do you expect? We’ve often heard comments like these from grown sons and daughters: “My brother was an all-state quarterback, but I played tennis, and I never quite measured up for my dad.” “I made a B average in school, but Daddy...
Valentine’s Day Tips for Dads of Daughters – and Sons

Valentine’s Day Tips for Dads of Daughters – and Sons

Your Valentine’s Day shopping and planning for your wife is surely well under way, if not complete—and that’s good! Some may view this “holiday” as just another excuse for greeting card and flower companies to make money—as well as jewelry, candy and...
Entering Your Child’s World: 5 Areas for Dads to Stay Connected

Entering Your Child’s World: 5 Areas for Dads to Stay Connected

Dad, are you really plugged into what’s going on in your children’s lives? Do you have a good handle on what happens in their typical day, who is influencing them, and how they are processing the things they see and hear? In today’s world these can be unsettling...
Self-Disciplined Kids & the Power of Saying “No”

Self-Disciplined Kids & the Power of Saying “No”

by Dr. Ken Canfield Dad, are you instilling in your children a strong “internal locus of control”? You’re probably thinking, What does that mean? And I get it. It’s a term that I’ve come across as a researcher from time to time through the years. Some years ago, one...