by George R. Williams, Ph.D. I did not ask to be or not to be a man lies with a woman. Unfathered before I was born like a slave who does not own a father’s name. In my mother’s womb, I listened but did not hear his voice, nor sensed his touch. Nine months...
by George R. Williams, Ph.D. Recently, I was scheduled to update the Jackson County Legislature regarding our fathering program through the county prosecutor’s office. In the program, first-time offenders can defer prosecution by attending life-skills classes,...
DEAR DAD: You make me so #*@$! sick. Some nights I be wanting to kill you with my bear hands. The evil things you done to me makes me want to kill you even more. I blame you for the #*@$! up thoughts I have. Sure enough my life is better then what you said it was...
The role of the father or father figure is critically important to the task of taking our African American boys from boyhood into manhood. The vacuum of this required fathering role has had a devastating impact on our urban communities and it is time that we fill this...
by George R. Williams, Ph.D. The Gate Keeper “I’m tired of the way you treat me-like a criminal!” he shouted into the receiver, “you’re tired?” I shouted back. “I’m tired of your bull…you expect me to trust you?”...