Abba, Father

Abba, Father

Turning Hearts to the Children In many ways God has blessed our nation. We are world leaders in many areas including economy, medicine, science and military might. However, there is one area that is a shame that we are world leaders: fatherlessness. Tonight more than...
The Heart of Fathering

The Heart of Fathering

by George R. Williams, Ph.D. Turning Hearts to the Children Being a father is more of an art rather than a science. Science involves facts of the mind but the art of fathering involves feelings of the heart. And at the core of these feelings is the love of God...
College Age Children Need Dad

College Age Children Need Dad

by Bernard Franklin Prior to joining the National Center for Fathering, I worked in various capacities with students on three college and university campuses. During that time, I noticed two common struggles that should be meaningful for all fathers of young adults:...
FATHERS: the Foundation of Education

FATHERS: the Foundation of Education

by George R. Williams, Ph.D. Challenges in Education Few would argue that education is one of our children’s supporting pillars of success. Yet many of our public school systems across this nation are in need of help. This was a key issue in last year’s...