There are a number of different things you never want to say to your children. Here are 5 important things we think you should NEVER say to your kids. Other Tools for the Journey: 3 Tips for Becoming a Good Listener to Your Son 5 Things Every Kid Must Get from Dad 5...
Dad, connecting with your daughter is one of the most important things you can do with her. Setting time aside for moments to connect can shape the way that she will expect to be treated when she is older. What example are you setting? For a full list of ways to...
Most dads don’t think about the responsibility of caring for a disabled child until they experience it first hand. Loving and accepting a child with special needs is a process which takes time and prayer to go through the emotions. Related Article: Accepting a...
We all want to be listened to. But truly listening isn’t always easy. Here are a few tips to help you become a good listener to your son. For more resources on understanding your son, read: Just understand your son. Just be DAD – 5 Things Your Son Wants to Tell...
Every child needs a dad he or she can count on. Our children thrive when they have involved fathers. Discover 5 things every kid MUST get from dad. Download the free e-book: 5 Things Every Kid Must Get from Dad Dads, it’s so important to remind your children...