5 Things to Teach Your Daughter

5 Things to Teach Your Daughter

Dad, you’re an influential person in your daughter’s life. Make sure you teach her the most important things that she needs to know before she grows up. For the full list of 10 Things to Teach Your Daughter.  We also asked a daughter to compile the top 7...
5 Tips for Talking to Your Daughter About Sex

5 Tips for Talking to Your Daughter About Sex

Talking with your daughter about sex may seem like mom’s job, but dads play an important role in the conversation too. For a full list of tips on addressing this important subject with your daughter read our Tools for the Journey article: 11 Tips for Talking to Your...
5 Tips for Dads With Daughters

5 Tips for Dads With Daughters

Raising daughters is an adventure! Maintaining focus on doing the right things makes raising strong and healthy daughters more likely.
Five Christmas Traditions

Five Christmas Traditions

The holiday season is a time to build lifelong memories with your family. Traditions also help you bond and reconnect with loved ones, friends, and neighbors.  Creating traditions takes just a little time and energy to plan. We’ve put together a...
Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap

You don’t have to wait for a new school year to try something new with the students in your life. Here are five ways to build on what your children are learning in school.