Shining Examples of Care and Concern
Like those in other fathering situations, adoptive dads carry a special set of challenges. Here are four practical ideas.

Can I really bond with this child?
When we begin to care for the next generation and do what Bruce did—hold them in our arms—suddenly we are struck by the awesome power of being a father.

Adoption: The New Country of Fatherhood
The more I thought about not being able to boast in my son’s genes, the more I believed that having my ego less wrapped up in my son was probably a good thing.

A Salute to Non-Biological Dads
Here are men who would give anything to become fathers. It makes me wonder if the rest of us view our role with that kind of commitment and dedication.

Claim Your Children
When we affirm and claim our children—through words and actions—we’re giving them a confidence and connection that will help them as they mature.

Building Your Child’s Self-Esteem
I want to make sure she has plenty of reinforcement telling her she is loved and accepted. I want her to grow up believing that men who truly care for her are sincere and affirming.