11 Things That Make Your Family Special
These activities have “family time” written all over them. They strengthen bonds, provide important reference points, and create memories.

Where Are You as a Father?
As dads, we shouldn’t be backtracking and wasting time going in the wrong direction, especially when there’s a reliable “fathering GPS.”

4 Qualities of Growing Dads
Great dads learn that humility and commitment are more important than having the right answers. They learn from mistakes and grow through the tough times.

The Paradox of “No Guarantees”
While we dads can’t guarantee that our children will make wise choices and lead a responsible life, we can greatly increase the odds.

Effective Fathering for a New Generation
Dr. Ken looks at his research-based 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers and how they have changed through the years.

4 Ways to Be a More Committed Dad
Being a good dad usually means sacrificing some activities. But in reality, it isn’t a sacrifice because our kids are more important.

Father’s Day: Redefining Your Role
Recommit yourself to fatherhood as a verb. The position of father is an honorable one, but don’t rest on that. Be a dad of action.

Be an Overcomer Dad: Demonstrate Everyday Commitment
Many heroic dads are struggling or striving because of a tough situation, and yet they’re determined to do what’s best for their kids.

Randy Pausch & a Legacy of Lasting Value
As he approached the end of his life, Randy Pausch tried to put himself in a bottle that would one day wash up on the beach for his children.

Don’t Get Caught in the Tomorrow Trap
Dads work hard to provide for their families into the future, but so often it backfires as their relationships wither away in the meantime.