Legacy & the Test of Time: How do you want to be remembered?
No matter how old your children are, you can’t start asking these questions too soon or revisiting them too often.

Be Joyfully, Expectantly Inconvenienced
By Peter Lewis: Hope for, wait for, eagerly anticipate, even relish the joyful intrusion of your children into your life.

Recognize the Importance of Being Present
How to Be a Better Dad by David Hirsch: Kids want our time and attention and involvement, and we need to be intentional in these 4 areas.

The Very Best of Fatherhood
Three excerpts from kids’ essays highlight fathering commitment and the value of little things we do as dads.

View Each Day as an Opportunity
How to Be a Better Dad by Matt Haviland: I push myself to be a better dad by taking it one day at a time and learning as I go.

Be Intentional About Legacy
Leaving a legacy is about thinking beyond today, but being purposeful about today. Investments in your kids will have an impact for years to come.

Dad, Are You REALLY Listening?
Problems arise for dads because many of us want the plain, cold facts, and our children don’t always communicate that way.

“Why Us?” An Incredible Child & a Heroic Dad – See Video
Patrick Hughes was born blind and with physical restrictions that keep him in a wheelchair. Can you imagine how his father must have felt? Patrick Senior often wondered, “Why us?” But then …

Become a Better Dad – One Step at a Time
Pick one fathering challenge, find a way to address it, and make some positive things happen.

A New Commitment to Encouragement
Chris told me a story that provides a great example and a new word we can all use to help us remember the importance of encouraging our kids.