6 Positive Dad-Responses to Crises & Difficulties
How we respond to difficulties or crisis situations will create a reference point that our children will remember and carry forward into the future.

Making Involvement a Priority
Our children place great value on our time and our presence. Numerous studies confirm the benefits they see when we invest in their lives.

All Dads Face Difficulties. Are You Ready?
As fathers, we can’t predict the future, but times of testing should motivate us to step up as leaders for our children and families, and be prepared as best we can.

Sign on for a Lifetime Commitment
Commitment is our calling card as fathers. It’s our resolve to always act on our child’s behalf, no matter what the hour, no matter what other pressures are competing for our time, no matter how little recognition we receive, and no matter how young or old, near or far away that child may be.

Clarify Your Vision (With Help from a Former Mob Boss)
Armin is now living every day with renewed passion for fathering and is making different decisions about what to do with his time, money, and energy now that he’s clarified his fathering vision.

COVID-19: Are you getting the message, dad?
Each father has an opportunity to learn and grow because the past several months have brought some needed clarity in certain areas.

Video: Stay Connected to Your Daughter
Rick Wertz and his daughter Amanda describe some simple but powerful ways dads and daughters can stay connected.

Rudy’s Legacy: 25 Ways to Live Out Healthy Manhood
How do you live a life that leaves a legacy? First and foremost, you need to live according to your beliefs—healthy beliefs that encompass your faith, your family, and your friends.

COVID Cabin Fever? 10 Ways to Connect with Your Kids
Taking advantage of this time to engage your kids in a new way should be considered a great victory. Here are some unexpected ways to connect with your kids.

6 Thoughts for Dads of Children with Special Needs
Whether you have a child with a physical challenge, a learning disability or an emotional problem, you might benefit from these six thoughts.