Know When to Pick Your Battles, Dad
Jay Payleitner: Some battles with your kids aren’t really worth the trouble. But if you choose a battle, dad, be ready for it. Here’s how.

Young Kids & Behavior Issues: Mean What You Say
These years don’t have to be terrible. You can help minimize difficulties with a commitment to consistency in what you say and what you do.

Dad: Look Below the Surface
As dads, sometimes we get upset and blow things out of proportion when there’s really so much to the picture that we don’t see.

Dad, do you shirk discipline?
When kids misbehave, why do some dads leave it for Mom to handle? As dads, we need to sign up for the entire role of being a father.

Teens: An Example of Fatherly Self-Control
By controlling ourselves, we can foster a closer relationship when it seems like our teens want to pull away.

Leverage Life Moments for Your Kids’ Future
How to Be a Better Dad by Brian Phipps – Paint a picture of a preferred future for your kids, and leverage every life moment to help them accomplish it.

Teaching Kids to Be Responsible
Disciplining kids when they already feel bad for their actions is tricky. Here are two tips for teaching kids to be responsible when they’ve messed up.
3 Tips for Sibling Rivalry
As fathers, we want our kids to learn to get along. But often our goal becomes ending the ruckus as soon as possible rather than helping them learn.

4 Qualities of CALM Fathers
A calm father makes his children feel comfortable and secure, and increases the opportunities to experience the real joys and rewards of fatherhood.

Parenting Challenges: How Do You Decide Which Approach is Best?
Sometimes you’ll get lucky and have great success by going with your gut. But since you want to give your kids the very best, it makes a lot of sense to look outside for help.