Partner With Your Child’s Teacher
Dads partner with their child's teacher by visiting at least once a month, in person or over the phone. Involved fathers help their children succeed in the classroom and do their best with their teachers.

3 Ways to NOT Bully Your Kids
as told to Brock Griffin / fathers.com We are just finishing up National Bullying Prevention Month, and it’s definitely worth recognizing in today’s world. We would all be wise to learn more about the challenges related to bullying and find ways to be part of a...

Start Preparing Your Kids for College
Make sure you’re doing your best to dedicate time to your child’s education and start preparing them for college now, no matter their age.

Some Homework for YOU, Dad
Knowing your child well in different areas — and that definitely includes education — helps you better serve his or her needs.

Questions to Ask Your Kids After School
“Fine.” That’s probably the answer you’re used to getting after school or at the dinner table when you ask “How was your day?” or “How was school today?”

Dropping Your Child Off At College
This is the year, the year your kid goes off to college. How is it already time? It feels like they were just an infant yesterday! Dropping your kid off at college is an exciting, but hard time. So here are our tips to help you get through the day dad. Check out NCF's...

Top Ways to Be a Successful Home-Schooling Dad
by David Serwitz All dads should be very involved in their kids' education. However, each family is different, and a growing number of families are taking full control of their kids' education by teaching them at home. The home-schooling movement has gained traction...

Ways to be Engaged in Your Child’s Education
Straight from our new, FREE downloadable Back to School Kit! Here are 17 of the 35 Ways to be Engaged in Your Child's Education! Don't sit back and watch this school year, be involved in your child's education! Children thrive at school when dads step up to the plate....

10 Tips for Creating a Study-Friendly Home
Back to school dad! Don't leave your child's education solely to the teachers dad! You should be supporting from home (and in school through WATCH D.O.G.S.) Use NCF's 10 Tips for Creating a Study Friendly Home and help your child be at the top of their class! Be on...

How to Make the Most of Teachable Moments
Parents seem to talk a lot about teachable moments—using situations that come our way to talk about life lessons with our kids. But how does it actually work? Not long ago we received a great example from a dad named Scott. He was out on a daddy-daughter date with his...