Talk to Your Child (Especially Your Toddler)
Recent research found that talking is very important for helping to jump-start a little one’s brain. Those early years are critical for a child’s language development.

Appreciate Your Kids’ Teachers
by Eric Snow As an involved father, you are one of your child’s first teachers, and you’re on the job as soon as the baby is born. You coo and cuddle him and shake objects in front of him to help him learn to focus and respond. You help in teaching him to take a...

5 Ways to Support Your Student During Finals Week
Finals week can be stressful for a student! But you as a dad can help by doing a few simple things to let them know you care and you believe in them.

10 Ways to Support Creativity In Your Kids
Creativity fosters self-expression and nurtures emotional and mental health. It helps children express and deal with their feelings as well as provides an opportunity for trying new ideas and problem solving. Dad- you're an important part of the creative process! Make...

12 Ways to Dedicate Time to Your Child’s Education – by NCF Dads like you!
Our children’s education is so incredibly important. And our dedication to our children’s education can help them succeed.

Six Ways to be Your Child's Cheerleader
We all want our children to find a passion in life and excel — and we want to be there to cheer them in ways that truly encourage & affirm.

9 Bedtime Stories for Your Toddler
Looking for some great bedtime stories for your toddler? Check out NCF’s recommendations in this free download.

Engaging in My Child’s Education: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Part of educating our children is sharing our "wisdom" ...

Engaging in My Child’s Education: McDonald's Commercial
As this vintage commercial shows, kids really are thrilled when we're involved in their lives, including in their education.

Help Your Kids Deal with Bullies
October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, so I thought it appropriate to spend a little time talking about how to help your kids deal with bullies.