A Pep Talk for the Second Half
At the start of a new year, as some are making new resolutions (or at least thinking about making changes), here's a suggestion from author Bob Barnes that should be helpful for all dads who have kids in any level of school: Look at the New Year as a kind of "halftime."

10 Tips for Easing the Back-to-School Transition
by Joe Kelly: The start of the new school year can be a nerve-wracking time for our kids. Here are tips to help smooth the way.

Why You’re Critical to Your Child’s Education
In a recent Washington Post article, Patrick Welsh, a high-school English teacher in Virginia, wrote about some disturbing trends he sees in his classroom.

Back to School – Now the Fun Begins!
The beginning of the school year is a great time to communicate that your child’s education is important and you’ll be there to support him.

Give Your Children a Head Start – You’re the Key
In 2009, the National Head Start Association held its 36th Annual National Training Conference in Orlando. In line with the theme, "Beyond the Boundaries: New Approaches and New Strategies," the conference highlighted various ways to improve the quality of early childhood education for the families they serve. One of the suggested ideas was to get fathers more involved.

Back-to-School Tips for Dads
Dad, here's your friendly start-of-the-school-year reminder about your important role in your children's education.

Education: Discovery for Kids and Dads
Each new school year brings excitement, hope and sometimes, uneasiness for our children. Recently my college-age son and I fell into a conversation that lasted the better part of an evening.

Raising Your Most Important Crop
This morning when it came time to release the steers from the trailer, I turned to my partner and said, "Here's a good job for you, Charlie."
So Charlie climbed on the fender and began fumbling with the latch. Triumphantly, he pulled the pin but couldn't get the handle free of the chain. The cattle nervously stomped inside. It probably took Charlie two minutes to find the combination, but finally the handle gave way, the gate swung open and the steers bolted to freedom.

How Dads Can Educate Tomorrow’s Leaders
Fathers have always played an important role in their children’s education. Ancient Egyptian texts, early American writings and other historic sources have placed the primary responsibility for educating a child specifically on his father.

Teens Who Don’t Care About School
When your high school junior or senior is on the verge of dropping out, what can you do?
David and his wife are struggling with their 17-year-old daughter. Her attitude is, “I don’t care about school.” She’d rather be hanging out with her friends.