On Father’s Day: Promote Responsible Fatherhood
Find ways to represent the best of fatherhood where you are, no matter what you end up doing on Father’s Day.

Rudy’s Legacy: 25 Ways to Live Out Healthy Manhood
How do you live a life that leaves a legacy? First and foremost, you need to live according to your beliefs—healthy beliefs that encompass your faith, your family, and your friends.

4 Ways Dads Can Help Hurting Kids
Sometimes life leaves emotional scars on children. How can we dads help them most effectively? A stepdad named Eric wrote to us about this. He said that the greatest difficulty he has faced with his children has been dealing with the hurt they brought with them from...

Moral and Spiritual Guidance – Secondhand Lions
What do you believe is most important about life, and about being a man? Kids need to hear from their fathers and father figures about that.

Greg and Brett: The Power of a Father Figure
If you have the privilege of being a dad, you are fortunate; don’t take it for granted.

Moving Video: A Perfect Father Figure
A recent story featured on ESPN's "Outside the Lines" epitomizes the Championship Fathering fundamental of Encouraging Other Kids.

Youth Violence – What Fathers Can Do
The brutal murder of a 16-year-old boy in Chicago several weeks ago has brought youth violence to the headlines once again. Many leaders agree that this latest example is one more wake-up call for our nation to take action to combat some alarming trends, but in all of the talk, there are few viable solutions recommended.

Lessons of a Big Brother and Mentor
A Dad’s Point-Of-View
One of the clichés about volunteerism is that "you get more than you give." In my case, it was true in ways and means I least expected. I’ve just become a Big Brother, again, to a 7-year-old boy and a mentor to a 23-year-old young man. As these relationships are new, I don’t yet know what lessons I will learn. But I know well the lessons I learned the first time around.

A Game of Hope (Must-See Video)
An amazing story of hope comes from Texas high school football. Kris Hogan, coach of the Faith Christian Lions in Grapevine, looked at his team’s schedule and noticed that they’d be playing against Gainesville State School, a correctional facility for teens. Leading up to that game, he had an out-of-the-box idea:

It's All About Kids
In this day and age, virtually every kid could use another friend. All of us must wake up a bit, attending to the tough circumstances in which too many kids are growing up. Being keenly alert to the essential importance of one-on-one relationships between adult mentors and kids and gaining understanding about the pivotal difference each of us can make.