Will you be my daddy?
Dad, there’s a kid who has a question for you. Just ask Jim.

Two Essays from Fatherless Kids
Kids need dads, and we can always find proof in some of the essays written for our essay contest. In the midst of the all happy sentiments we receive, these essays are reminders that many kids out there don’t have a father in their lives. The essays they send—about the importance of fathers—bring a whole different set of emotions.

Don and Morgan
Most of us have no chance to change the world. But any of us can have an impact on our own little corner of the world.
Don Shulz is a 64-year-old retired gentleman who suffered a stroke over four years ago. Now, he's restricted to a three-wheeled motorized wheelchair. I'm sure some men in that condition would give up on life, thinking they had nothing more to contribute.