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Here at, sometimes the best thing we can do with this blog is get out of the way and share insights from dads who have been through challenges and learned, some positive approaches with their kids, often after making mistakes along the way. The latest...
by Jay Payleitner One of the great privileges of fatherhood is roughhousing a bit with the kids. The joy of being a dad should overflow into making physical connections with sons and daughters at every age and stage. When they’re babies, burble their tummies and...
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield Dad, if you’re like many parents I’ve talked with recently, you’ve probably been a bit challenged in knowing how to help your kids process all the crazy events in the news this past month. Clearly,...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. When it comes to working on becoming a better dad, what’s the best approach? One of the best pieces of advice came from a long-time friend, Paul. One evening, he received a call from an acquaintance who was a young father. This dad had four...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Dad, just in case you need a positive idea for a goal or resolution for your fathering this year, here’s a great one: being a better encourager for your child. A good friend named Chris told me a story years ago that provides a great example and...
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield Dad, if you plan on being in line with millions of other men across the country who have waited until the last minute to get Christmas gifts for their kids, then you’re going to want to keep reading. Why? Because I have a Christmas gift...
A father ponders his priorities during the Christmas season. A story by Peter Lewis. This week, we welcome a new voice to the pages of Peter Lewis. He tells stories out of a passion to warm your heart and spur you on to wondrous adventures in fathering....
by Jay Payleitner The annual all-school Christmas pageant was a month away and my sixth-grade class at St. Peter’s Elementary School in Geneva, Illinois were pondering their options. In a brainstorming session, someone suggests “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” and...
“The Year of the Pandemic” has certainly been an adjustment and a challenge for people around the world, including dads. As a father and grandfather who’s currently relating to my children and grandchildren from long distance, my concerns for them have never been...
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield Since this is Thanksgiving week, I figured it was a fitting time to let you, dads, hear from my heart about what I really think about you! Having walked alongside girls and young women now for the past 40+ years, I can undoubtedly say...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. We recently released an ebook with highlights from the results of our recent survey of dads: Fathering During the Pandemic: Challenges & Surprises. You can get a free copy right here. Dads have had a wide range of experiences during the...
by Ken R. Canfield, Ph.D. More and more men are reporting that fatherhood is a spiritual experience, and it’s coming from more than just pastors and churchgoing dads. Nationally recognized writers have commented on the deeply spiritual dimension of being a father....