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There’s great power and affirmation in a father’s touch. A kiss on the forehead. A rub of the head. A bear hug. A squeeze on the knee. A fist bump. A pat on the back. An arm around the shoulder. Dad, you need to recognize how much power there is in your touch....
What if dads were very intentional about affirmation? What if we proactively looked for ways to encourage our kids? Your teenage son gets a raise after just a few months at his new job. Your daughter has an amazing game as a goalie for her soccer team, even though...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Your child is an incredible gift! Not a liability as some would suggest. No matter what your current situation, whether you have a special-needs child, a child who’s struggling in some way, or a child you don’t get to see as often as you’d...
First, a big THANK YOU to all granddads out there. You deserve to be honored this Sunday on Grandparents’ Day. You play an important role because your Grandkids Matter! (And for all other dads, make sure to get your kids involved in recognizing their grandparents this...
The Canfield family recently announced a big loss in our lives—the passing of my wife of 43 years, Dee, who was also a mother to five, mother-in-law to four, and Nana to twelve. Being by her side for the past few months really opened my eyes to the reality of death...
When your son or daughter expresses a need, how do you respond? There’s a term that’s pretty common in research about dads: “responsive fathering.” It comes up most often in relation to fathers and their infants or very young children, and there are all kinds of...
Here at there’s an old saying: Father’s Day Every Day. At least it’s old to us. We even used that as the title of a conference years back. The idea is to make every day count with your kids and renew your commitment to them every morning. If Father’s...
We all celebrated Mother’s Day a few weeks ago, and I hope you did it up right. Moms definitely deserve to be honored and celebrated. In many ways, Father’s Day is different. (And that’s okay.) Most dads aren’t expecting a whole lot in the way of gifts. We’re good...
by Justin Batt If you’ve been out to eat at a restaurant recently, then you’ve most likely seen what has become a common occurrence in our society today: a family sitting at a table together, but instead of connecting with each other, their noses are buried in a phone...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Every Father’s Day I get reflective about the state of fatherhood in our nation—where we’ve been and where we’re going. First, my attention goes to all the children who are fatherless; we are acutely aware of the impact of fatherlessness. Its...
The roles and expectations of fathers continue to move and shift. With moms spending more time working and family situations getting more and more complex, dads are often expected to step in and do more at home. And that’s not a bad thing. We dads are learning a...
It’s never fun dealing with kids who get on each other’s nerves. They annoy, taunt, poke and punch. They tease each other almost as if it’s their job. And maybe it is. It’s never fun for parents when kids do this, but it isn’t always a bad thing. They’re figuring out...