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Do you envision your child going to college someday—whether that's very soon or years from now? The recent headlines about celebrities and their shady shenanigans to get their kids admitted to their colleges of choice brought to mind this article from a few years back...
Over the years, I have had the privilege of making several trips to Poland to speak to dads there during the annual fatherhood conference held by our friend Darek Cupial and his team at The key insight comes from one of the other speakers there from a few...
When you’re with your kids, are you really with your kids? We dads can get a lot done at once. We can have the TV on while we’re checking email or texting on our phones, and then carry on a conversation at the same time. Well, we might think we can, but we’re very...
Do you ever wonder whether technology is hampering your children socially—or in other ways? Today’s kids spend so much time with phones and tablets, computer screens and video games that many of them aren’t learning how to hold a normal conversation or relate to...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Steve and his teenage son were almost always at odds. He criticized his son’s schoolwork, his clothes, and his overall attitude. Steve’s business was at a turning point, so that added to his daily stress levels and the frustration he felt toward...
Maybe you saw the texting conversations that went viral this week. It all started with a Twitter post from a teenage girl: deep convos with ur dad >>>> That tweet struck a nerve with many other teens, who shared screen shots of similar text “nonversations”...
I hope all our reminders about Valentine’s Day over the past month did you some good. By now you surely have the special gifts, gestures, and date(s) planned for your wife (and kids). Or maybe you’re one of those couples or families where February 14th isn’t such a...
by Dr. Ken Canfield Hey, dad, what are you giving your wife this year for Valentine’s Day? Ideally, you have plans well under way, but knowing how many men typically operate, consider this your one-week reminder. I encourage you to pool all your creative energies for...
By Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Dad, do yourself a favor and watch this 3-minute video: “Beginnings. The older you get, the more rare they become.” “Endings are too often on my mind. I pray for new beginnings.” This video challenges us to think about beginnings and endings. I...
As the New Year arrives, it's natural to think about turning over a new leaf. Bad habits to stop. Good habits to start. Resolutions to keep. On a personal level, maybe you'd like to lose a few pounds next year, get out of debt, get better organized, or read a book...
by Brock Griffin As you know, fatherhood is a joy!... and sometimes, not so much. The longer I am a dad, the more I’m humbled by the role. I interact with more and more men who are having difficulties with their kids, and they really aren’t much different...
There are a number of different things you never want to say to your children. Here are 5 important things we think you should NEVER say to your kids. Other Tools for the Journey: 3 Tips for Becoming a Good Listener to Your Son 5 Things Every Kid Must Get from Dad 5...