11 Encouraging Phrases for Your Kids
Dads, it is so important for us to remind our children that we are proud of them. Make it your mission to use one of these phrases each and every day for the next month. Download and print our Tools for the Journey: Eleven Encouraging Phrases for Your Kids to...

Six Ways to be Your Child's Cheerleader
We all want our children to find a passion in life and excel — and we want to be there to cheer them in ways that truly encourage & affirm.

Dial In with Your Daughter: 10 Things NOT to Do
Here are ten landmines to avoid if you want to raise a healthy, vibrant, loving, and spirited daughter. Think of these as a field training manual to support your deep desire to truly dial in to your daughter’s heart.

4 Tips for Knowing Our Children
We all need some reminders for connecting and really getting to know our children. Download Tools for the Journey …

8 Classic Things to do with Your Son
Looking for activity ideas to do with your son? Download our Tools for the Journey: 8 Classic Things to do with Your Son!

Dad, Reflect & Dream with Your Kids
Here at the turn of another year, it’s great to look back and look forward as fathers. We do that in many areas of life, and it makes a lot of sense with our kids, too. Take a good chunk of time in the coming days to do some reflecting and some dreaming with your...

A 10-Year-Old’s List Becomes a Daddy Wake-Up Call
Have you heard of Mohamed El-Erian? He’s a multimillionaire. Until May 2013, he was chief executive of the PIMCO investment fund, one of the largest in the world. His annual earnings were estimated to be more than $100 million. Why did Mr. El-Erian step down from such...

Real Fathering and the Glue that Holds Families Together
Isn’t that real life for dads? Accepting your role, whether you’re in the middle of a challenge or just doing what needs to be done?

Make Sure Your Kids Have Some Mad Skills
This week we're featuring a guest blog from Jay Payleitner—a best-selling author, speaker, and good friend of the National Center for Fathering whose latest book is 10 Conversations Kids Need to Have with Their Dad. He also has a recent one called 52 Things Sons Need...

Family Challenges and Issues – Everybody Loves Raymond
Kids are defiant sometimes. It may take everything a dad has to handle it positively, without losing his cool.