Moral and Spiritual Guidance – Blood Diamond
Dads can be major forces in helping their children choose to do what’s right...

Help Your Kids Deal with Bullies
October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, so I thought it appropriate to spend a little time talking about how to help your kids deal with bullies.

A question you should ask your kids …
A lot of dads want to connect with their kids, they just aren't sure how. The truth is, dads and kids can connect at any time — while doing dishes together, driving to soccer practice, or while running errands.

Are you doing your ‘fair share’ at home?
1,200 married moms were polled about their parenting habits, focusing on how they share responsibilities with their spouses. The headline was an attention-grabber: “Working and Stay-at-Home Mothers Feel Like ‘Married Single Moms.'”

Are You and Your Kids Having “Nonversations”?
How do conversations go with your teenager? If you’re like many dads, usually all you can get out of him is a one-word answer or even just a grunt — and this can happen with younger kids as well. Why is it so hard?

A Pep Talk for the Second Half
At the start of a new year, as some are making new resolutions (or at least thinking about making changes), here's a suggestion from author Bob Barnes that should be helpful for all dads who have kids in any level of school: Look at the New Year as a kind of "halftime."

Father-Child Fun with Knock-Knock Jokes
Looking back on 2010, I didn't laugh quite enough with my kids. How about you?

10 Tips for Easing the Back-to-School Transition
by Joe Kelly: The start of the new school year can be a nerve-wracking time for our kids. Here are tips to help smooth the way.

Be the Good Boss
If a dad just tries to be the disciplinarian without building a foundation where his kids trust and respect him, it will end in failure.

What Happens When Dad Gives 100% Support …
There are many ways to get involved and support your child in his or her interests, and there are some important reasons to do so.