What Makes Your Child Laugh?
Many dads just naturally bring out the funny, playful side in their kids. Keep celebrating those relationships with lots of laughter.

Dad: Harness the Power of Sibling Competition
Jay Payleitner: Dad, you can use competition between your kids to help shape and motivate them. (And to get things done.)

Winning and Losing in Father-Child Contests
Should we let our kids when we’re competing against them? It can be difficult for a dad. And it might require an attitude adjustment.

Dad Tucks In
by Jay Payleitner: The benefits are many. Mom gets a break. Dad gets a clear assignment and a daily chance to spend one-on-one time.

Summer and Free Time
Dad, be prepared for those “I’m bored” comments from your kids. You can help them come up with fun, stimulating activities.

Young Kids & Behavior Issues: Mean What You Say
These years don’t have to be terrible. You can help minimize difficulties with a commitment to consistency in what you say and what you do.

Your Fathering Journey in 6 Stages
Fatherhood is a marathon, and there is great value in stepping back and looking at being a dad from a bigger-picture perspective.

A Gift for Your Ten-Year-Old
by Jay Payleitner: When a child learns one of these household maneuvers, they feel like they’ve been invited into the inner circle.

“Why is my father always angry?”
Angry fathering really does affect our children. Here’s a wake-up call and some steps to help us be calm dads.

A New School Year: 3 Tips for Dads
Your children will mature and be shaped in incredible ways over the coming months, and your involvement can help set them up for success.