Keep Learning and Growing – A Balanced Perspective on Fatherhood
Fatherhood should be a great source of joy. Still, keep your feet on the ground, because things can change quickly.

5 Things Never to Say to Your Kids
There are a number of different things you never want to say to your children. Here are 5 important things we think you should NEVER say to your kids. Other Tools for the Journey: 3 Tips for Becoming a Good Listener to Your Son 5 Things Every Kid Must Get from Dad 5...

Use Your Words Wisely: How to Use Your Speech to Build Up Your Children
Dads, our words have so much power to heal or to hurt. But too often we forget how powerful they are.

5 Ways to Tap into the “Grandfather Resource”
Grandfathers can be a wonderful resource for another positive male role model in our children's lives. Check out NCF's top 5 ways to tap into the grandfathering resource by downloading Tools for the Journey: 5 Ways to Tap into the "Grandfather Resource" For more...

5 Things to Teach Your Daughter
Dad, you’re an influential person in your daughter’s life. Make sure you teach her the most important things that she needs to know before she grows up. For the full list of 10 Things to Teach Your Daughter. We also asked a daughter to compile the top 7...

Important Work-Family Questions for All Dads
“What’s really important?” “Are we working hard but going in the wrong direction?” “Who’s raising our kids?” “What is success?”

3 Benefits of One-On-One Time
We often challenge dads to commit to “alone” time with each of their children. Here are three powerful reasons …

7 Things Every Daughter Needs to Hear From Her Dad
“I will always be here for you” and 6 more statements every dad should be telling his daughter regularly.

Speak to Your Daughter’s Heart
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield – “Every single girl is interpreting every single interaction, good or bad, between her and her dad.”

5 Things Your Son Wants to Tell You
by Steven Cessario What did you want to tell your father when you were a teenager? Maybe you had feelings for a girl and you wanted some advice, or maybe you were frustrated with school, a friendship, or even life at home. Did you want your dad to hang with you, to...