Get Involved in Your Child’s Education
To have the best impact on your children's future, your involvement in their education needs to extend beyond their school-related learning. Whether it's in the car, on the playing field or at the dinner table, you can teach life skills that will have a positive...

Surprise Your Kids!
by Jay Payleitner Once again, this week we’re featuring a chapter from It’s Great Being a Dad—written by three committed dads who frequent this space: Carey Casey, Jay Payleitner and Brock Griffin. This blog comes with a twist. After reading the good ideas below, your...

Sarcasm – Is It Ever OK?
So you clicked over to read something that might help you be a better father. You must be the best dad in the world ... We all know that everyone absolutely adores sarcasm, right? It is one of those wonderful character traits that kids love about their dad and wives...

3 Ways to NOT Bully Your Kids
as told to Brock Griffin / fathers.com We are just finishing up National Bullying Prevention Month, and it’s definitely worth recognizing in today’s world. We would all be wise to learn more about the challenges related to bullying and find ways to be part of a...

Dealing With Nightmares
Watching your child deal with nightmares can be pretty heartbreaking. We don't want our children to be upset by anything, real or from their imagination. Whether they are scared of the dark, the monster under the bed, or something else causing nightmares we want to...

Start Preparing Your Kids for College
Make sure you’re doing your best to dedicate time to your child’s education and start preparing them for college now, no matter their age.

Work or Family: Where Are You Indispensable, Dad?
We shouldn’t feel guilty for being committed to our jobs, but all dads should continue to ask themselves, Where am I most indispensable?

Family Digital Code of Conduct
In a digital world, we have to be dedicated to setting boundaries with our children. This means setting guidelines AND holding your children to them. Beyond this, it also means explaining why those boundaries are in place and how you intend upon implementing them. To...

Be a Spiritual Mentor
I can’t help but look back and ask myself, “Did I do all I could to help my kids develop a healthy spiritual life?” This is worth considering given the important influence fathers have in the area of faith and spiritual development.

Parenting Challenges: How Do You Decide Which Approach is Best?
Sometimes you’ll get lucky and have great success by going with your gut. But since you want to give your kids the very best, it makes a lot of sense to look outside for help.