Father’s Day: Redefining Your Role
Recommit yourself to fatherhood as a verb. The position of father is an honorable one, but don’t rest on that. Be a dad of action.

On Father’s Day: Promote Responsible Fatherhood
Find ways to represent the best of fatherhood where you are, no matter what you end up doing on Father’s Day.

This Mother’s Day, Swing for the Fences
As a son and a husband, don’t settle for a “bloop single” when honoring your mother and your children’s mother.

Bill’s Christmas Gifts You Can’t Buy
When Bill received the diagnosis, he thought first of his children, and he began thinking very seriously about Christmas.

Christmas Chaos: It’s Worth It
Expect a little chaos. But also expect some great family time this Christmas. Invest yourself in connecting with family members.

Put Thanksgiving into Action
During the holidays, can’t most of us find ways to help others while reminding our children how fortunate they are?

Ways to Help Kids Appreciate Freedom
Kids too easily grow up thinking Independence Day is about picnics, water games and fireworks. They probably need to hear a different message.

Taylor’s Father’s Day Tribute to His Dad
Taylor has a great dad, and he probably isn’t all that different from you. The simple things you do make you a hero in your kids’ eyes.

Neil’s Father’s Day Tribute to His Dad
Neil’s dad wasn’t perfect, but he demonstrated the kind of commitment that it takes to be an effective father.

Great Dads Honor Moms
Part of the How to Be a Better Dad series – Most of us aren’t alone in our efforts to shape our kids, and we should recognize the many benefits moms bring.