That word “engage” has transformed who I am as a father. I keep fighting off selfishness and the desire to go back to the Comfort Zone.

That word “engage” has transformed who I am as a father. I keep fighting off selfishness and the desire to go back to the Comfort Zone.
by Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC As we all know, in just about any profession there are brilliant and skilled doctors who have expertise and know-how in very specific areas. Not unlike docs in the medical, dental, or psychological professions who bring their best to...
You may have your favorite sports team, and it may be pretty important to you that they make it to the playoffs. But when it comes to the most important team in your life, its your family! Make sure your team is in sync. Here are NCF's 9 Ways to Build Teamwork in Your...
by Ryan Nelson: I could probably father so much more effectively if I would just invite my kids alongside me as I do the things I love.
Have you ever been somewhere with your kids, and someone asks if you’re “baby-sitting” them? Don’t take it personally, dads.
Often, a great way to get to the hearts of dads is to share words from kids. Here’s one perspective from Myles, a 4th grader.
One child’s comments about his dad provide a sobering reminder about the role we play in the lives of our children.
Jeff Jenkins: “As your children dream those big, seemingly unrealistic dreams, make sure you support them and encourage them.”
Creativity fosters self-expression and nurtures emotional and mental health. It helps children express and deal with their feelings as well as provides an opportunity for trying new ideas and problem solving. Dad- you're an important part of the creative process! Make...
When I learned that my son had lied to me, I thought about confronting him, but I was afraid that approach might not help him learn from the situation. So, here are the principles I tried:
Spring sports are starting and NCF wants to give you our favorite tips on preparing your child for team sports! Which do you plan on implementing this spring?
Our children’s education is so incredibly important. And our dedication to our children’s education can help them succeed.
Tristan Thompson has come to an important realization as a father. You may know him as the former NBA player who went on to be in a relationship and have children with Khloé Kardashian and make regular appearances on the Kardashians’ TV show. It’s a celebrity family...
by Matt Haviland Is it possible to be a great father as a single dad? The short answer is, “Absolutely!” However, since being a single parent brings a variety of outside factors and dynamics, we may have to take a slightly different approach. It will surely look...
All fathers start out as sons. Many of us probably didn’t even think about becoming fathers until it was just a few years or months away. But once we did start imagining ourselves as fathers, the obvious and natural role models we thought of were our dads. By that...
When dads and daughters get together and focus on each other, good things happen. We saw it over and over years ago when we hosted father-daughter events all over the country, and it’s a big reason why we’re starting them up again. We heard incredible stories of...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. If you’re a dad, you know that waiting is part of the gig. {And please note: this is a somewhat lighthearted look at fatherhood, but I don't want to minimize the very real and difficult waiting that many couples do when they're trying to...
by Michelle Watson Canfield, PhD, LPC Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase before. Maybe you’ve even read the book by John Gray, though it first came out more than thirty years ago. I find his book title to be fitting in...
How well do you know your child's developmental milestones and progress? A study at the University of Rochester discovered that about one-third (31.2%) of parents of 9-month-olds are "clueless" about child development milestones, such as when babies talk, learn right...
Rick and his family were out at the lake, staying in a cabin for a week, getting some well-deserved vacation time. One morning they were getting ready to go fishing, and Rick was walking along the dock toward the boat with his arms full of gear. He stumbled on a loose...
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Some years back, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal set out to write a story that she believed would really impact her readers. She wanted to interview a CEO of a publicly traded company who was committed to his family and actively involved...
Ahh, the sounds of summer. No, this isn't about the crack of the bat, or fireworks, or even the sizzle of the barbecue. This is about the droning whines of your offspring. Maybe this summer you've heard statements like: “Dad, There’s nothing to do around...
A few years ago, one of our staff had the chance to talk to an active military dad during an airport layover. Jim, an officer in the Air Force, had been away from his wife and kids for four months, and he had missed Christmas with them for the second time. It was...
by Matt Haviland I was a single father for almost a decade. They were challenging years, but looking back I realize that some of my hardest moments taught me the greatest lessons. That doesn’t mean everything got easier as time went on, or that I achieved some level...