Single Dads: Will it Really be OK this Holiday Season?
Are the holidays often stressful for you as a single dad? Matt Haviland provides 5 suggestions to help you have holidays that are OK … and better.

Single Fathers: 3 Do’s and 2 Don’ts
From Matt Haviland: No matter what your specific challenges may be as a single father, these five foundational principles will prove helpful.

5 Things Single Dads Should Do Consistently
From Matt Haviland: We all say things that are insensitive sometimes. Here are ways to be more affirming with our kids and others.

Single Dads & Consistent Words: 5 Things to Avoid
From Matt Haviland: Do you understand the long-term impact your words are having on your children? It’s especially important for single dads.

4 Things I Learned as a Single Father
From Matt Haviland: Some of my hardest moments taught me the greatest lessons and gave me perspectives I may not have known otherwise.

Single Fathers: Press On
Is it possible to be a great father as a single dad? Absolutely! But in some ways we may have to take a slightly different approach.

Divorced Dads: Two Thoughts to Keep in Mind
Quite a few divorced dads go through periods where they don’t get to interact much with their kids. Here are 2 thoughts to keep in mind.

Steps in the Right Direction: Your Child’s Other Father
My eyes were opened to the remarkable impact that man had on my daughter’s life. I began to understand the depth of this stepfather’s love …

Divorced Dads: Keep Pursuing Your Kids
Wisdom from dads in response to the question: How do you help your kids know that “It’s not your fault”?

Divorced Dads: Respect a Child’s Love
Whether it was intentional or not, maybe you have tried to turn your child against his mother. And make no mistake, these kinds of comments move you dangerously close to placing yourself between your dear, sweet child and someone he loves more than anyone else, except you.