Dads and Fast-Food Modeling
A research study reveals an interesting way dads influence their kids — and maybe an area where we need to step up as fathers.

Teaching Your Kids to Drive – and Other Skills
If we aren’t careful, this big moment in a child’s life can become a big conflict. 7 tips for dads in the passenger seat … and beyond.

Boys Need Men to Teach Them About Life
by Rick Johnson: When boys are brought up to feel competent and capable, they have a much better chance of succeeding at life.

A Request for Moms: Help Us Make Our Home a Hangout
by Jay Payleitner – The dividends include stronger family relationships, deeper conversations, and peace of mind.

Kids vs. Romance: Connecting with Your Bride
Having kids should not put an end to romance. Actually, just the opposite. Dad and Mom need to be even more intentional about their marriage.

Dad, Are You Behaving in the Bleachers?
There’s a lot more at stake than a win or loss. You have nothing to prove except that you love and support your child.

Be Joyfully, Expectantly Inconvenienced
By Peter Lewis: Hope for, wait for, eagerly anticipate, even relish the joyful intrusion of your children into your life.

Making Amends: How One Dad Did It Right
Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield answers dads who ask, “How do I make things right with my daughter? Because things between us aren’t so good.”

Bedtime Joys & Opportunities for Dads
Bedtime can be one of the best, most pure moments of fathering, or it can be a tense, emotional struggle. Whenever possible, dads, be there.

7 Life Lessons One Dad Learned From His Kids
by Joshua Becker: Children add joy, purpose, and fulfillment to our lives. And given the chance, they will teach us valuable life lessons.