5 Tips for Talking to Your Daughter About Sex
Talking with your daughter about sex may seem like mom’s job, but dads play an important role in the conversation too.

10 Tips for Talking to Your Son About Girls
You remember being at that age dad, when girls are definitely the hot topic. Make sure you’re the one having the important discussions on girls with your son.

11 Tips for Talking to Your Daughter About Sex
Talking with a daughter about sex might seem like a mom’s job, and that’s likely best for some conversations. But dads can play an important role too.

Dating Dangers for Teens
A report by the US Department of Justice states that one in every three teen girls is a victim of physical, emotional or verbal abuse — not by a stranger but by a dating partner. That figure far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.

Ways to Protect Your Child’s Innocence
Just last month, a statistic was released that should be a concern for fathers: For the first time since 1990, there was an increase in teen pregnancies in 2006 (by 3%).

Teaching Kids About Sex
We can’t afford to let our children learn about sex on their own. It may be awkward, but we’ve got to be open with both our sons and daughters to affirm them toward healthy sexuality.

Protecting Your Children
As fathers, we need to speak up against all inappropriate sexual behavior. It’s an important area where we need to help protect our children.

Share Your Attitudes About Sex
Are you getting ready for that big birds-and-the-bees talk, dad? That talk is important, but you can’t stop there.

For Dads of Dating Daughters
It’s a scary time for dads, but it’s also a great opportunity because it forces us to address issues and questions that can be a little awkward.

Let's Talk About S-E-X
I could hardly believe my daughter's announcement: her second grade classmate was "having S-E-X" (yes, she tried to spare us some shock by spelling the three-letter word!). When pressed by her surprised parents, my daughter asserted, "Yes, Dad, she told us on the playground. When she goes home from school, she goes next door to the neighbor's house. He's in third grade. They take off their clothes, get under the covers, and kiss and stuff."