Detective or Explorer? Dads & Communication
When dads and kids can talk things through in a healthy way, it increases the chances that they’ll be able to work together when challenges come along.

Find Your Child’s Connect Points: Bonding with Your Teenager
by Steve Lucey Our culture tells us that teenagers don’t want to be with their dads; they think we’re weird and out of touch. But I’m convinced that’s a lie. We are all wired for relationships; I believe there’s a God-given desire deep in the heart of your children to...

12 Ways to Dedicate Time to Your Child’s Education – by NCF Dads like you!
Our children’s education is so incredibly important. And our dedication to our children’s education can help them succeed.
11 Encouraging Phrases for Your Kids
Dads, it is so important for us to remind our children that we are proud of them. Make it your mission to use one of these phrases each and every day for the next month. Download and print our Tools for the Journey: Eleven Encouraging Phrases for Your Kids to...

Six Ways to be Your Child's Cheerleader
We all want our children to find a passion in life and excel — and we want to be there to cheer them in ways that truly encourage & affirm.

6 Tips to Connect With Your Teen Daughter
Download Tools for the Journey: 6 Tips to Connect With Your Teen Daughter from NCF now to get 6 great tips on how to keep the line of communication open between the two of you!

Dial In with Your Daughter: 10 Things NOT to Do
Here are ten landmines to avoid if you want to raise a healthy, vibrant, loving, and spirited daughter. Think of these as a field training manual to support your deep desire to truly dial in to your daughter’s heart.

8 Classic Things to do with Your Son
Looking for activity ideas to do with your son? Download our Tools for the Journey: 8 Classic Things to do with Your Son!

Dad, Reflect & Dream with Your Kids
Here at the turn of another year, it’s great to look back and look forward as fathers. We do that in many areas of life, and it makes a lot of sense with our kids, too. Take a good chunk of time in the coming days to do some reflecting and some dreaming with your...

Moral and Spiritual Guidance – Blood Diamond
Dads can be major forces in helping their children choose to do what’s right...