How to Raise a World-Changing Daughter
Dad, if you want to raise a confident daughter who believes in herself and steps forward to change the world around her for good, be assured that you are part of that equation and your input really does matter.

Teaching Kids to Be Responsible
Disciplining kids when they already feel bad for their actions is tricky. Here are two tips for teaching kids to be responsible when they’ve messed up.

Runaway: A Moving Video of a Father’s Love
A more modern version of the “Prodigal Son” that depicts the depth of a father’s love, featuring the song “Runaway” by Jess Ray.

Halftime Shows & Helping Our Children Define the Line
As fathers, we should be aware of what our children (and grandchildren) are seeing and hearing in the media and elsewhere, and we can view these events as opportunities for thoughtful discussions with them.

Affirming Touch from Dad – 7 Tips
There’s great power and affirmation in a father’s touch. A kiss on the forehead. A rub of the head. A bear hug. A squeeze on the knee. A fist bump. A pat on the back. An arm around the shoulder.

Are You Preparing Kids for College … or Life? 7 Questions.
The leader of one private school believes that getting your kids into a good college should be the least of your concerns …

2 Big Pitfalls of the Technology Age for Kids
Do you ever wonder whether technology is hampering your children socially or in other ways? How do you handle screens and media at your house?

Keep Learning and Growing – A Balanced Perspective on Fatherhood
Fatherhood should be a great source of joy. Still, keep your feet on the ground, because things can change quickly.

Use Your Words Wisely: How to Use Your Speech to Build Up Your Children
Dads, our words have so much power to heal or to hurt. But too often we forget how powerful they are.

5 Ways to Tap into the “Grandfather Resource”
Grandfathers can be a wonderful resource for another positive male role model in our children's lives. Check out NCF's top 5 ways to tap into the grandfathering resource by downloading Tools for the Journey: 5 Ways to Tap into the "Grandfather Resource" For more...