Work or Family: Where Are You Indispensable, Dad?
We shouldn’t feel guilty for being committed to our jobs, but all dads should continue to ask themselves, Where am I most indispensable?

Family Digital Code of Conduct
In a digital world, we have to be dedicated to setting boundaries with our children. This means setting guidelines AND holding your children to them. Beyond this, it also means explaining why those boundaries are in place and how you intend upon implementing them. To...

Be a Spiritual Mentor
I can’t help but look back and ask myself, “Did I do all I could to help my kids develop a healthy spiritual life?” This is worth considering given the important influence fathers have in the area of faith and spiritual development.

Parenting Challenges: How Do You Decide Which Approach is Best?
Sometimes you’ll get lucky and have great success by going with your gut. But since you want to give your kids the very best, it makes a lot of sense to look outside for help.

25 Fall Family Activities
We LOVE fall here at NCF. Why? Because it is a great season to spend with family! There are so many different fall activities to do that are sure to create lasting memories for both you and your kids. Here are 25 Fall Family Activities we suggest you try this year! Do...

Conversations to Have With Your Teen Son
Your conversations are important to your son, whether he expresses that or not. Make sure you are having these conversations with your teen son before he leaves home. Check out Tools for the Journey: Conversations You Need to Have With Your Teen Son. Here are 5 tips...

10 Things to Teach Your Daughter
Dad, you're an influential person in your daughter's life. Make sure you teach her the most important things that she needs to know before she grows up. Teach your daughter to love herself. Teach your daughter to change her oil. Teach your daughter respect. See what...

Dads: Connect Face-to-Face
Too many families are letting the use of cell phones and other technology—especially texting—distract them from more important goals.

Some Homework for YOU, Dad
Knowing your child well in different areas — and that definitely includes education — helps you better serve his or her needs.

Questions to Ask Your Kids After School
“Fine.” That’s probably the answer you’re used to getting after school or at the dinner table when you ask “How was your day?” or “How was school today?”