Be a Dream-Builder: The Importance of Believing in Your Kids
Jeff Jenkins: “As your children dream those big, seemingly unrealistic dreams, make sure you support them and encourage them.”

5 Ways to Support Your Student During Finals Week
Finals week can be stressful for a student! But you as a dad can help by doing a few simple things to let them know you care and you believe in them.

Shape Honesty: 1 Way to Train your Child in Integrity
When I learned that my son had lied to me, I thought about confronting him, but I was afraid that approach might not help him learn from the situation. So, here are the principles I tried:

9 Ways to Navigate Communication with Your Son
There are times in your journey that you may find it difficult to navigate communication with your son for one reason or another. Here are NCF's 9 Ways to Navigate Communication with Your Son to help guide you through those times.

Six F-Words That Will Help You Build Trust with Your Kids
by Brian Blomberg: I look into the eyes of numerous dads who, for many different reasons, don’t share that mutual trust with their children.

7 Tips: How to Prepare Your Child for Team Sports
Spring sports are starting and NCF wants to give you our favorite tips on preparing your child for team sports! Which do you plan on implementing this spring?

The Secret to Showing Children Respect
Our love and respect for our kids shouldn’t be based on a sense of our rights, or even what we think a child deserves. Our respect for them has to be selfless, active, and not dependent upon our mood or their behavior.

Messages on Mirrors: One Great Way to Affirm Your Daughter
by Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC I forget what age I was when I heard my first nursery rhyme, but there is one in particular that is burrowed deep into my memory bank like a steel nail into softened wood: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” This...

Be a Family Storyteller
by Steve Wilson Growing up, I loved listening to my grandmother tell stories of growing up on the western Kansas prairie in the early 1900s. Grammy was born in a sod house and raised her own family during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s! For a kid who lived in suburban...

Detective or Explorer? Dads & Communication
When dads and kids can talk things through in a healthy way, it increases the chances that they’ll be able to work together when challenges come along.